I created this blog and a small little about me section on the right over there. But...I never really introduced myself and my family. So this blog will be about that. And of course our day. :]
I'm Kristina. 20 years young. A daughter, a friend, a soon to be wife :D, and a mother. I work and stay at home. Half half. lol. I'm part time retail. And boy let me tell you, you do not know anything about gratefulness and respect until you work in retail. I think it should be a rule that ever teenager get a retail job as their first job. It will change their WHOLE point of view. Anyway, back on subject. My life isn't glamorous or even remotely interesting. But I like it. I'm going to school to work towards a better tomorrow and I'm working to provide as much as I can. I'm not famous or special. I'm just a regular young mom from Illinois trying to live life as happily as can be.
I have a daughter. Her name is miss Hailey Jade ________. (No last names, you nuts?!) I call her my baby, princess, but most of the time I call her my button. Because she's just as cute as one. ;] She was born August 7th, 2007. She is 2 now and just under 4 months from being 3. She's my big girl. She's tall and she's still got those thick chunky baby thighs. But she's gorgeous nonetheless. She's my baby girl and I love her death. She has quite the personality too. She's stubborn, has an attitude and the meanest of all faces. But she's also free spirited, always happy and has the most contagious laugh you've ever heard.I love watching her grow every day. :]
Drew. Oh, what is there to say about him? We've been together for 2 years as of March. He's my fiance and Hailey's daddy. He's funny, charismatic, and is one of the best friends I could ever have (I said he's one Jenn so relax. :P). He has a smile that could make your heart melt and a laugh just like Hailey that you can't help but laugh along with. I cannot wait until the day I'm his wife. We already fight like we're married anyway. :P
So today (okay, well technically yesterday) was Friday, April 9th. Hailey and I slept in (she let me again woo!) until about 10:30. My dad calls me not long after asking me to do this and do that and find this and find that. He had to run an errand for his work. So needless to say that took up a good portion of my morning. Not knowing whether he'd be home in tome for me to get the car to take to work or not, I called Drew to have him drive me to work. He agreed. I call Drew by 3 to make sure he's on his way. He leaves then (silly man fell back to sleep haha). 3:40 rolls around and there's my dad walking in the door. Wha...?! Apparently that errand took much shorter than we had thought. Drew still decides to drive me to work so I could relax. Hailey wants to go with. So hey, why not? We pack her up and she comes with and Drew takes her over to his place to spend a few hours daddy/daughter time while I'm at work. Work was busy as all HELL! OH boy it was insane. We get out at 10:08 (my punch out time) and Drew was kinda ticked off. I told him 9:40 because I thought it wouldn't be that busy. Whoops! Oh well I get off, I'm walking out and I hear "MAMA!!!" My coworkers turn and see Hailey bouncing in the driver's seat of Drew's car. She gathers quite a few ooh's and ah's as they walk to their cars. Oh, my wonderfully loud child the ham. We get going and put my check in the bank and get taco bell. Yum! We then watched movies. Made it a movie night. And now here I am. 4am not sleeping. I should really get off though. I need some sort of sleep if I'm gonna be coherent for everything tomorrow..
So that's the summary of my life and family. And of course of my day. Nothing to special but again, my life and I'm happy. All that matters! :D
Night...or is it morning? Well, whatever you consider it, I hope it's good for you! :D
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
So it begins...
My first blog (on here). My first submission to a start of my life. What will you think? Is it boring? Invigorating? Sweet? Simple? Make sure to tell me every now and then what you think about it. Opinions are greatly appreciated. :]
So today. April 8th, 2010 at 10:36pm. Today was a fairly boring day but for once we actually left the house to do something. Haha.
Waking up. Oh boy, that was fun. Miss Hailey slept in. I woke up at 9:45am. She was still asleep. I got up, texted Drew back and went back to Hailey. By 10am she was still asleep. I decided it was time to wake her up. I go back in the room and the silly child is laying on her stomach, face in the mattress. How that was comfortable and how she was able to breathe I have no idea. But I crawled over, rubbed her back and whisper in her ear "Hailey...baby, it's time to wake up." A snore erupts from deep inside her chest. Okay, let's try this again. "Come on baby girl, we got some things we gotta do today." Next thing I know, her head pops up. She bats her eyes a few times, looks around the room then at me. There's a big mess of hair on her face so i brush it out of the way. After doing so, I see thos big brown eyes light up and the biggest toothy grin I've ever seen from shine out from behind her pacifier. I smile and know that this morning would be an easy morning. So we get up, she has to go pee pee so into the bathroom we go. She gets done and we go downstairs. I flip on the tv and unfortunately, to my sanity Spongebob is what pops up so I grin through the theme song and ask her what she wants for breakfast. "Mufsch". In 2 year old talk that means muffin. So muffin it is. I grab it and jump on the computer real quick to check things.
I check my phone to see if Drew had texted me and I see that I have an unread message from him at a much earlier time this morning. I open it and it says he has no carseat in his car. Ah, hell! So I call him and tell him he needs to grab it from one of my parents cars cause it's not at the house. So he sighs and does so.
He gets here and we're getting ready. By 11:15 we are out the door, in the car, buckled up and ready to go. New record time for me - someone who is usually always running late or behind by at least 5 minutes!
What was our first stop? KidSnips! Hailey needed a haircut. I've had people say "oh, are you sure? But she looks so cute." Hmm...let me think about it. When my child's hair is so long and uneven that she's starting to look like cousin "It" then yeah I'd say I'm sure. Poor girls bangs were halfway down her fac and he hair in the back was so oddly uneven it wasn't even funny. So we got her haircut. We always go to this place for her because they're great. The kids chairs are little cars that they get to "drive". They're always a balloon and a free toy. And there's a tv at every station to keep the kids occupied. Hailey chose the little mermaid, her newest obsession. Though she's never seen the movie before today...odd huh? But that went great. The stylist even put 2 clips in her hair and sprinkle glitter. Hailey loved that!
After that we went out to the manor in Dundee cause we were hungry. We all had breakfast food...at 12:30. I could eat breakfast anytime of the day, just like my daddy.
Little miss Hailey "texting" at the restaurant rocking her new harircut!

We then went to target. Hailey got the movie Up. I got a new game, Hailey got a book, I got a movie. And Drew as spoiled as he was today got 3 movies and a damn game. Haha, love him.
We then came home and relaxed....
Then Hailey takes a nap but when she wakes up oh boy she is sad. She wakes up at about 8:30 and starts bawling for Drew. I finally get her calmed down enough to settle for talking to him on the phone. So I call him....ring ring ring ring ring. I think "oh shit he's not gonna pick up and she'll just cry even more." Ring ring ring..."Hello?" YES! He picked up and I will have a happy child. They talk for a few minutes. Whild doing so she notices an owie she has on her arm and wants a band-aid. Okay, a band-aid, no problem, no big deal. I go into the drawer to get one....We're OUT OF BAND-AIDS!!! Great! At this point there are poor streaks of tears running down my poor babys' face. Mind you, Hailey has hit the age where band-aids are the cure all for EVERYTHING! I tell Drew that I will be getting band-aids. He agrees. We all say our I love yous and byes and hang up. I tell Hailey "Okay, let's go to the store and get some band-aids." Her eyes get all happy but she's still crying cause it hurts. Okay, okay let's go. So we get ready we get in the car. I look at the clock. It's 9:15. Seriously....?! OH boy, you know you've become a parent when you take your child out at 9:30 at night to go get band-aids. Target it is cause they have cheap band-aids. We get in there. I grab 3 (yes, THREE) boxes of their 97cent, 40 count boxes. She see the character ones. I agree on one. What does she choose? Cars (the movie). Hey, she loves it, so why not? We pay and go home. While on the way home Lady Gaga comes on and Hailey starts singing. SOOOOO cute! We get home and put a band-aid on and she's all sorts of happy. She is now laying on the couch (almost asleep yay!) watching Princess and the Frog. Seeing as it is now 11:11pm I think it's time for me to head off to bed.
Goodnight and I hope this wasn't too boring for a first post for you guys. Hope you all sleep well. Until tomorrow.
So today. April 8th, 2010 at 10:36pm. Today was a fairly boring day but for once we actually left the house to do something. Haha.
Waking up. Oh boy, that was fun. Miss Hailey slept in. I woke up at 9:45am. She was still asleep. I got up, texted Drew back and went back to Hailey. By 10am she was still asleep. I decided it was time to wake her up. I go back in the room and the silly child is laying on her stomach, face in the mattress. How that was comfortable and how she was able to breathe I have no idea. But I crawled over, rubbed her back and whisper in her ear "Hailey...baby, it's time to wake up." A snore erupts from deep inside her chest. Okay, let's try this again. "Come on baby girl, we got some things we gotta do today." Next thing I know, her head pops up. She bats her eyes a few times, looks around the room then at me. There's a big mess of hair on her face so i brush it out of the way. After doing so, I see thos big brown eyes light up and the biggest toothy grin I've ever seen from shine out from behind her pacifier. I smile and know that this morning would be an easy morning. So we get up, she has to go pee pee so into the bathroom we go. She gets done and we go downstairs. I flip on the tv and unfortunately, to my sanity Spongebob is what pops up so I grin through the theme song and ask her what she wants for breakfast. "Mufsch". In 2 year old talk that means muffin. So muffin it is. I grab it and jump on the computer real quick to check things.
I check my phone to see if Drew had texted me and I see that I have an unread message from him at a much earlier time this morning. I open it and it says he has no carseat in his car. Ah, hell! So I call him and tell him he needs to grab it from one of my parents cars cause it's not at the house. So he sighs and does so.
He gets here and we're getting ready. By 11:15 we are out the door, in the car, buckled up and ready to go. New record time for me - someone who is usually always running late or behind by at least 5 minutes!
What was our first stop? KidSnips! Hailey needed a haircut. I've had people say "oh, are you sure? But she looks so cute." Hmm...let me think about it. When my child's hair is so long and uneven that she's starting to look like cousin "It" then yeah I'd say I'm sure. Poor girls bangs were halfway down her fac and he hair in the back was so oddly uneven it wasn't even funny. So we got her haircut. We always go to this place for her because they're great. The kids chairs are little cars that they get to "drive". They're always a balloon and a free toy. And there's a tv at every station to keep the kids occupied. Hailey chose the little mermaid, her newest obsession. Though she's never seen the movie before today...odd huh? But that went great. The stylist even put 2 clips in her hair and sprinkle glitter. Hailey loved that!
After that we went out to the manor in Dundee cause we were hungry. We all had breakfast food...at 12:30. I could eat breakfast anytime of the day, just like my daddy.
Little miss Hailey "texting" at the restaurant rocking her new harircut!

We then went to target. Hailey got the movie Up. I got a new game, Hailey got a book, I got a movie. And Drew as spoiled as he was today got 3 movies and a damn game. Haha, love him.
We then came home and relaxed....
Then Hailey takes a nap but when she wakes up oh boy she is sad. She wakes up at about 8:30 and starts bawling for Drew. I finally get her calmed down enough to settle for talking to him on the phone. So I call him....ring ring ring ring ring. I think "oh shit he's not gonna pick up and she'll just cry even more." Ring ring ring..."Hello?" YES! He picked up and I will have a happy child. They talk for a few minutes. Whild doing so she notices an owie she has on her arm and wants a band-aid. Okay, a band-aid, no problem, no big deal. I go into the drawer to get one....We're OUT OF BAND-AIDS!!! Great! At this point there are poor streaks of tears running down my poor babys' face. Mind you, Hailey has hit the age where band-aids are the cure all for EVERYTHING! I tell Drew that I will be getting band-aids. He agrees. We all say our I love yous and byes and hang up. I tell Hailey "Okay, let's go to the store and get some band-aids." Her eyes get all happy but she's still crying cause it hurts. Okay, okay let's go. So we get ready we get in the car. I look at the clock. It's 9:15. Seriously....?! OH boy, you know you've become a parent when you take your child out at 9:30 at night to go get band-aids. Target it is cause they have cheap band-aids. We get in there. I grab 3 (yes, THREE) boxes of their 97cent, 40 count boxes. She see the character ones. I agree on one. What does she choose? Cars (the movie). Hey, she loves it, so why not? We pay and go home. While on the way home Lady Gaga comes on and Hailey starts singing. SOOOOO cute! We get home and put a band-aid on and she's all sorts of happy. She is now laying on the couch (almost asleep yay!) watching Princess and the Frog. Seeing as it is now 11:11pm I think it's time for me to head off to bed.
Goodnight and I hope this wasn't too boring for a first post for you guys. Hope you all sleep well. Until tomorrow.
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